A comedy series following Alia as she grapples with the pandemic and living every day life on Zoom. This project was created during the pandemic to inspire hope to all performing artists, who are facing impossibilities. All cast and crew members donated their time while bringing this web-series to life.
Release Year: 2020Genre: ComedyPlot Setting: Apartment, Car, HouseCamera Type: Phone, WebcamFilming Reason: Video ChatDirector: Jenna MateWriter: Kayla Eisenberg, Wally Marzano-Lesnevich, Z TozumCast: Carolann DiPirro, Cheryl Delin, Chrysten Peddie, Dan Harel, Edward Kassar, Jeana Mahan, Kayla Eisenberg, Michael Quattrone, Peri Ellis, Susan Stout, Wally Marzano-Lesnevich, Z TozumCountry: USALanguage: EnglishRegion: North AmericaFilm Type: SeriesMovie Title: Zooming In (2020)