Christophe, who has resigned his job as an engineer, and Stéphane, a committed director, share their apartment and their fridge. Their friendship is severely tested the day they decide to collaborate on a documentary project: Christophe accepts that Stéphane films his proceedings and his daily life, until the day he finds a new job...
Release Year: 2000Genre: Comedy, Drama, MockumentaryPlot Setting: Apartment, VariousCamera Type: Camcorder, Handheld Video CameraFilming Reason: Document EventDirector: Philippe FalardeauWriter: Philippe FalardeauCast: Alexandrine Agostini, Geneviève Néron, Jules Philippe, Marie-Andrée Corneille, Paul Ahmarani, Stéphane DemersCountry: CanadaLanguage: FrenchRuntime: 88 minRegion: North AmericaFilm Type: FeatureMovie Title: La moitié gauche du frigo (2000), Left-Hand Side of the Fridge (2000), Lewa strona lodówki (2000)